The individual Service User’s agreed plan of care or service plan provides the base on which Whitchurch Lodge’s care service is delivered. Each person’s plan includes a description of their preferred daily living routine and any specific dietary requirements. It also includes their preferences especially in relation to any intimate personal care activities that staff are expected to carry out. The care plan also includes details of resident’s social interests and activities, along with arrangements to attend religious services and for contact with relatives, friends and representatives.

Each Service User is allocated a member of the care staff to act as a key worker and a Deputy Manager. Key workers are responsible for monitoring, reviewing and co-ordinating service plans for their residents. Key workers are offered regular supervision by their Deputy Manager, who share responsibilities for chairing reviews and for communicating with outside professionals who may also be involved with particular Service Users.

All mealtimes are flexible and residents can arrange to have their meals in their rooms or the dining room. Our communal areas are divided into zones, eg: quiet zone (for reading, etc), listening and viewing zone (with TV and audio), small lounge, chat zone (for meeting and talking to people). This provides choice and reflects Service User’s interests.

“I am so glad that my bungalow was sold. I didn’t want to go back there to live as I felt so lonely. This is my home now and the people here are so kind. They are all my friends"
Care Quality Comisssion